Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You're so new...

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning getting to post this.
I am so very honored to be guest posting today over at RANTS FROM MOMMYLAND.
If you haven't heard of these ladies (and how dare you, if you haven't!) - they are two of the most hysterical and talented bloggers in the history of the Internet.  In fact, they're the ladies behind my favorite blog post EVER.

They have been running a series of blog posts about the Domestic Enemies of all different types of moms and I've weighed in on my favorite topic - DOMESTIC ENEMIES OF THE NEW MOM.

So, basically I summed up this entire blog in one post.
Please click on over and see a few of my favorite "domestic enemies" and be sure to stay awhile and read some of their often hysterical and always amazing posts.


If you stumbled upon this blog as a reader from RFML - Welcome!  Might I suggest you check out my About Me section first and then get started on some of my more popular posts (located conveniently in my side bar...yeah, over there...to the right.)  I know you'll like it here, afterall, we already have something in common - we love Kate & Lydia.


  1. Loved, loved your post on RFML. Congrats! (is that the right thing to say? haha.. ) Anyway. I'm your newest follower!

  2. Look at you girl...yay you...another guest blog :). And someday I'll get to say...I knew you when... :)

  3. @Courtney - Thank you so so so much. (I feel like 'Congrats!' is the perfect thing to say since I cannot help myself from being all fan girl crazy about RFML.)

    Thank you so much for following and for reading my latest posts. I'm following you back, girl :)

  4. @Dawn - Both blogs asked me within days of each other to guest post! Which is good - it's two less blog posts I have to come up with for the next few weeks :) Thanks so much :)

  5. Are you me? I think you might be me...but I'm pretty sure I don't write a blog. I DO live in St. Louis, have a gigantic son born in the summer of 2010, and write the way I talk...

  6. @Rebecca - I don't think you're me, but you might be...

    Yay for the 'Lou! Let's have a playdate (read: drink wine until we pass out). Kidding :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Loved your post on RFML! I have 4 kids, ages 7, 5, 2, and 5 months, and as a VM I try really hard not to say those hateful phrases like "you just wait." I do, however, tell my new mommy friends about my first year as a mommy, when I bought all the baby crap that's out there, freaked out and called the pediatrician almost daily, got a horrible case of postpartum depression and generally lost my mind. And when they ask how I seem so together with four kids I tell the TRUTH: caffeine, cosmetics, zoloft, and WINE. Repeat repeat repeat.

  8. @Alida - I am printing out the words "caffeine," "cosmetics," "zoloft," and "WINE" and putting them on my wall to chant every morning. Thank you so much for reading my guest blog and for stopping by here. :)

  9. Hi NMOTB! I loved your post on RFML. I personally don't blog, but am a fan of blogs. :) I'm also a working St. Louis mom need some local mommy friends. In fact, when I was at one point majoring in music and special education it was suggested to me to become a music therapist. (I ended up dropping music as it was going to take me forever to get out of school.) I am a far cry from the perfect mommy, will sympathize with you about those early years as they shook me to my core, and my mommy brain is still sleep deprived from having gone through newborn phase twice in 21 months. (The youngest is now 2. I can still blame it on that, right?) Want to be friends?

  10. You are freaking awesome, have I ever told you that? =) It was hilarious, of course. btw, what other blog did you get asked to guest post on?

  11. @Adwi - Thank you, lady! And thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me.

    As for the other blog post - it will be coming next week! Very very very excited about it!

  12. Sweet! A new friend!

  13. came across you from RFML, which is my newest blog obsession... until you of course! I spent the past hour that I was going to use going to bed at a decent hour, instead browsing through your blog and old posts and I think you're great! I've been blogging since I had my first daughter in the spring of '05 and let me tell you,when you have kids, even when you're not a "new mom" (btw, loved what you said in an older post about how you'll always be new at this-- so true!) you never run out of material!

    Also-- awesome song choices in your blog playlist!! Several of my faves are on there too.

    Sorry for the long comment! I'm just excited to have "met" you! :)

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVED your Domestic Enemies of the new mom- I too married in '08 and we had our first in Aug of 2010. IT HAS BEEN A NUTTY YEAR. So needless to say your post made me laugh cry in relief- just like RFM does all the time. I am grateful they posted you so now I can catch up and read your stuff too. No pressure, when I grow up I want to have the balls to blog as honestly as you all do. I have a blog/family site for us but it's fluffy basic shit b/c all our family reads it and I am too chicken shit to write what I really want to say.

  15. Yay! Congrats! Haven't been around much lately because, well ya know, but but but, I was all excited to read your post over there because GAH! I LOVE THEM!!!!

  16. I could sure use an adult playdate. Best part about (finally) quitting breastfeeding - the amount of wine I am now permitted to drink. Thank GOD.

  17. @ Corie - Great to have you here. And I'm sorry for robbing you of precious, precious sleep. :) When I came up with the title of this blog, I worried that I'd have to change it one day, but I gotta tell you, even a whole year into this I still feel like I'm learning something (or a million somethings) new every day!

  18. @Daniella - Thank you so much for stopping by and reading. RFML has some of the BEST readers out there, so I'm very happy to have gained a few of you through my guest post :)

    As for blogging - I don't say have of the stuff that comes into my head on here. If so, I would likely be alienated by my family/friends and drug away by the authorities (or the guys in the white jackets.) But, I do try to be as honest as possible. Someone's gotta do it, right? Plus, therapy's expensive.

  19. @Valerie - Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! I love RFML as well. They're blogging royalty in my book.

  20. I'm your newest follower (thanks to RFML) and loving your blog! I am a working and breastfeeding/pumping/supplementing with formula mother of an almost seven months old boy. I too work in a job (state) where they don't pay well, but boy are the benefits "really great!"... anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and i'm sure you'll see many more comments from me!

  21. @Cassie - I am so impressed by your ability to multi-task in your feeding options. So amazing. You go, mama.

    Thank you so much for following me. I am so glad to have you!


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