Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house...

To any mother (old or new) who has ever stepped on one of those tiny, incredible, creative devices of torture known as Legos - this post is for you.  Bonnie of The Joyful Organizer was kind enough to send this post to me and while The Incredible Hulk is still a few years away from playing with Legos - after reading these ideas, I'm TOTALLY inspired to get started organizing RIGHT NOW.
Legos are some of the best toys out there.  They allow kids to be creative, play independently, and they are a toy that can span many age groups.  However, they are also one of the biggest organizational challenges that parents face.  Here are a few organizing tools and methods for those Legos!
First of all Lego has tried to tap into the organizing of their own toys.  They have specialty organizing bags available.  They are cute, and useful, but can be cost prohibitive.

I like to establish a system and then stick with it.  You can sort by size, color, or even project.  Once you’ve decided how you want to sort, the next step is getting a container that will help you keep pieces in order.  I like organizers that allow you to take a set out, play with it (possibly even in a different location from the storage unit) and then put it away.

Ikea sells great organizers that can be easily labeled.  The drawers pull out easily so your child can play and then put away.  {Editors Note: And, it gives you an excuse to go to IKEA.  Win. Win.}  Above is an organization system established by color. 
Sets of plastic drawers can be purchased at almost any super store and are a great way to allow kids to have a visual of what’s in each drawer.
If you have a smaller amount of Legos, or want to use them on the go, small pencil boxes are a great solution.  You can buy them on sale after the back to school season or at a dollar store.
If you’re tired of Legos all over the floor, try a “pack and play” system like this.  The mats spreads out for your child to play on and then you can scoop it up and store it away with ease.
There are also custom sorters available that allow you to dump the blocks in and the organizer does the sorting for you. This is great for kids who help in the put away process.  It also allows you to move your Lego collection all over the house.
And here's how we organize things at the NMOTB house.  Kidding, it's Legoland.  (Awesome, right?)
If you'd like to keep up with The Joyful Organizer and find more of these wonderful ideas, check out The Joyful Organizer blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest boards, and my favorite, The Joy of Organizing Radio Show.

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